Monday, December 31, 2012

Nobody's Damsel

Nobody's Damsel is the sequel to the popular romance Someone Else's Fairytale by the talented Emily Mah Tippetts. I was very excited when I found out that Emily planned to write another book in the series because I loved Chloe and Jason. I wondered at the end of book one what would happen in their lives. Nobody's Damsel doesn't disappoint. The characters stayed true to themselves. Their lives aren't perfect, but neither are Jason or Chloe. Chloe lives her own life even though she is married to a Hollywood heartthrob. Despite being stalked by the paparazzi and having her name and relationship splashed across the tabloids she is trying to live normally. Chloe experiences a steep learning curve when it comes to dealing with the press. It affects her in ways she hasn't forseen and influences her marriage, even though she tries not to let it. I think she's an incredible wife. Her relationship with Jason is real. It's not all romance this time; they have issues to work through. I'm not sure I could be as trusting  as she is, especially given the warning Jason's assistant gives her. It skewed my thinking of him early on and made me question Jason a lot more than I would have otherwise. I still don't like Jason's old friend and don't trust her. Chloe really grows in this novel. She is someone who experienced an extreme trauma in her past and has a hard time letting people in. Even though she loves Jason there is still a little of herself that she has been protecting. It was good to see that defense start to crumble. Jason and Chloe don't get much time together in this book because they are both working. I love their shared scenes and I hope they get to spend more time together when the next book comes out. Yes, I have it confirmed: there will be a third book! :) If you haven't read Someone Else's Fairytale, you really should change that. Then come back and read Nobody's Damsel as well. It comes out January 5.

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