Sometimes you get a second chance to experience something you thought had passed you by.
I wasn't popular in high school, but neither was I some social outcast. I was somewhere comfortably in-between. I did go on a few dates and went to several school dances. But when the time came for Prom, no one asked me. Okay, truth be told, I did get asked by one guy but I turned him down. It wasn't because he wasn't cute enough or he was too nerdy; he gave me the creeps--serious creeps. Last I heard he was in jail for doing very bad things--glad I trusted my gut. I did consider asking someone but discovered they thought I was weird. You can read how that hurt me here. Okay so I wasn't going to prom and neither was my best friend. So instead of moping or even going stag we went on a road trip. It was a fantastic weekend and we had so much fun that I actually didn't regret not going to Prom, especially since there wasn't anyone I really wanted to go with. But by not going, I always felt like I had missed out on some important piece of high school.
A few years ago my husband asked me to go to Prom with him. He knew I always felt a little sad about not going and arranged with his friend who was a teacher at our local high school for us to go. How sweet is that? I got my hair done, bought a dress and we even exchanged corsage and boutonniere. My friends took just as many pictures of us together as any mom and dad would have. We went to dinner and got our pictures taken. We did some chaperoning duty while we were there, but the rest of the night we got to dance. That one event was so sweet. I couldn't have asked for a better Prom night. I really don't like this picture of myself, but hey, it's my prom picture! I feel blessed to have a husband who did such a sweet thing for me. I hope everyone has someone in their life to plan something like that for them. Has anyone else been given a second chance like that? I'd love to hear about it.
Love this post :) That's what finding someone to spend your life with is all about, right? Someone who will take you to prom no matter how far past high school you may be! (And p.s., don't worry about not liking your prom photo--no one does!)
that's really sweet :)
Aw, Lani, I <3 you! And now I <3 your husband. Um...for you. Because that was such an awesome thing for him to do. That should win all kinds of best evah hubby awards. And for what it's worth, I think it's a great picture!
Aww! Sweet! What a nice hubby! And you two make an adorable couple!!!!
That's just too cute for words. :-) I actually didn't go to ANY high school dances, lol. Not really my "thing", but I do sometimes regret not going to Prom.
How fun! Why don't you like the picture? It reminds me of Jane Seymore in Somewhere in Time.
What a fantastic hubby! Some things are totally worth the wait! P.S. I think you look so pretty in your prom pic!
the best thing about going to Prom with your husband is you dont feel guilty about the sex after the dance! hahaha
oh and btw you do look beautiful :o)
Love your post. You hubby is awesome. I didn't go to any big dances either. Only girls choice. Wait, I HAD to go to Homecoming my senior year because I planned it.
Cute prom pic of you!
awww, Joe is the best! You guys are so cute!
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